‼️Breaking ‼️🔥News🔥 We would like to inform everyone that the Bridge Builder’s Program Inc has a new school closet at East Nashville Magnet Middle School! We gave books for the summer and school supplies to finish the school year strong. Thank you Blair Simpson and Shanielle Keesee
School Counselor for your help. Thanks @statefarm for supporting BridgeBuildertn with a grant!😇🎊
#nashvillesoundsbaseball #schoolsupplies #service #jakefromstatefarm #panerabread #coffee #motivation
#baseball #ourresponsibility #everylittlebithelps #BridgeBuilder #everylittlehelpmakesabigdifference #starbuckscoffee #chickfilaforthewin #teachersrock #nashville #nonprofitorganization #autism #walmart #bridgebuildersprograminc🏆 #wearethebest #2022 #volunteer #kidsareawesome #teachers #bestorganization #hoodieseason #amazonsmile #starbucks #statefarm